Media Press






  • Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day - WCA/WACA Gala


    The autumn breeze brings coolness, the sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant, and thousands of families gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with laughter and joy. The lights are shining, and red flags are flying all over the country. The whole country is celebrating the 74th anniversary of the motherland. The bright moon rises over the sea, and the world is sharing this moment. In...

  • 2024 "新西兰中华美食文化节"圆满落幕,呜谢以下兄弟单位鼎力支持!


    2024 "新西兰中华美食文化节"圆满落幕,呜谢以下兄弟单位鼎力支持!

    特别鸣谢以下单位: 支持方: 华社服 Waitakere Indian Association Sport Hub Community Trust 新西兰华人联合总工会 奥克兰Balmoral 华人商会 Onehunga 华人协会 新西兰河南同乡联谊会 新西兰国际留学生协会 新西兰湖南青年会 Epsom 华人协会 奥克兰北岸华人协会 后援方: Henderson-Massey Local Board Whau Local Board  


  • WCA Chinese New Year Nursing Home Condolence Performance

    Source:Robin Xu/WCA

    Waitakere Chinese Association was invited by the Central District Nursing Home to visit the elderly in the nursing home on the occasion of the Chinese New Year. They brought them a variety of artistic performances. The elderly happily enjoyed the dance and folk music performances with a strong Chinese national flavor. They were very happy. The participating members were serious and performed well....

  • 2024新西兰中华美食文化节圆满落幕:传承文化,促进共融


    2024年11月17日,第二届新西兰中华美食文化节在奥克兰西区艺术中心圆满落幕。本次活动由新西兰新奥华人社团联合会与Corban Estate Arts Centre, 新西兰奥克兰西区华人协会联合主办,并由新西兰新中友好协会、新西兰太平洋文化艺术发展协会、新西兰华人企业家协会、新西兰青岛同乡会、新西兰中国百花艺术团等多家单位协办。活动吸引了数千名观众,场面热烈,成为一场当地文化盛宴,充分展示了中华文化的多样性和魅力。...

  • AUSNZ.NET Reports: New Zealand


  • WCA successfully held the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival Family Fun Day event


    WCA successfully held the "Chinese Dragon Boat Festival Family Fun Day" event to promote traditional culture and promote cultural exchanges between China and New Zealand

    On June 1, 2024, Waitakere Chinese Association (WCA)/ West Auckland Chinese Association (WACA) and The Corban Eastate Arts Center (Luana ...

  • WCA held a charity performance for the Pt Chevalier Library

    Source:Robin Xu/WCA

    On the morning of January 18, at the invitation of the Pt Chevalier Library, WCA held a colorful cultural performance, bringing dance, Tai Chi and folk music performances with a strong Chinese national flavor to the local community. The participating members were serious and performed well, and were highly praised by the organizers of the library event. They also awarded certificates and gifts to ...

  • 新奥华人社团联合会为灾民捐款献爱心



    近日,新西兰的 Gisben, Napia, Hawke’s Bay 等地受到了洪水和强热带风暴的双重自然灾难的袭击, 政府宣布国家进入紧急状态,并寻求国际援助。 在这艰难时期,新奥华人联合会的会员们都把新西兰作为第二故乡,国家有灾,百姓受难,我们应该为灾民做些什么事?在理事会的号召下,会员们踊跃捐款,为灾区人民提供援助和支持。 新奥华人联合会理事会在社交媒体上发布了捐款的信息,很快就得到许多会员们的响应和支持,在协会的活动日,朱会长做了简短的动员演讲,很快会员们就排起了长队纷紛捐出了自己钱,有的会员没带现金,就向其他的会员借钱来捐,还有不少人已经在网上捐了款,今天协...

  • 海外┃新西兰华侨华人举办的首届





