Established in March 3rd, 2019, the objectives of Wataikere Chinese Association ( WCA ) are to maintain and share Chinese heritage and cultural experiences, to address the concerns and welfare of Chinese immigrants, to build up friendship, to contribute collectively to society and, above all, to promote better understanding and relationship between the Chinese and other communities in New Zealand. Since its establishment, WCA has organized many important activities and arose great enthusiasm in members, the number of whom has greatly increased in a few months. It has since had the support from the local government, and it is the only Chinese organization in West Auckland which has won $20,000 funding in fourth Million Dollar Mission.
WCA is a united organization, members of which are always supportive and helpful to one another. Through the participation of the various activities, they get to know each other and then share the goodness of their life, which has created a very harmonious and friendly atmosphere. Every member of the association feels the WCA is their “new home” in their second home town--New Zealand.